Sorbent karbolayn application for correction of process oxidation in rats of different agrs affected by sodium nitrite against tobacco intoxication


  • P. H. Lykhatskyi Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • L. S. Fira Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль



sodium nitrite, smoke, reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, oxidative modification of proteins, karbolayn.


Introduction. One of the priorities of toxicology and medicine is the study of the characteristics and mechanisms of action of combined xenobiotics – many risk factors for environmentally dependent diseases. Under the influence of extreme factors of various origins (heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, tobacco, alcohol), formation of ROS, leading to the development of oxidative stress in the organism, which is accompanied by activation of lipid peroxidation and oxidative modification of proteins is enhanced. Under these conditions antioxidants and sorbents are commonly used.

The aim of the study to explore efficiency of enterosorbent karbolayn and its effect on oxidative processes in rats of different ages affected by sodium nitrite on the background of the 30-day tobacco intoxication.

Research Methods. Given the defeat of rats of different ages sodium nitrite on the background of tobacco intoxication were tested for the ROS in the population of neutrophils, obtained by centrifugation on a double density gradient 1.077 and 1.093 ficoll-verografin, the content of TBA-active products in reaction with thiobarbituric acid and oxidative modification of proteins 2.4 dynitrofenilhidrazones content.

Results and Discussion. The highest activity of free radical processes was marked after the defeat of sodium nitrite in 72 hours to 30 day of suspension toxicity of tobacco smoke. Immature and old rats were much more sensitive to the action of toxins than mature animals. Immature and old rats were much more sensitive to the action of toxins than mature animals. In order to inhibition of oxidative processes activated sorbent used by us karbolayn led to a slight normalization of the studied parameters. There was a trend toward reduction of reactive oxygen species in blood, TBA-active products and 2.4 dynitrophenilhidrazones in the studied tissues.

Conclusions. The results indicate the advisability of including karbolayn to comprehensive treatment of poisoning of various origins.


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How to Cite

Lykhatskyi, P. H., & Fira, L. S. (2017). Sorbent karbolayn application for correction of process oxidation in rats of different agrs affected by sodium nitrite against tobacco intoxication. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 45–52.

