Bioсhemical features of the chinese magnolia vine fruits (Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.)
Schisandra chinensis, lipid fraction, higher fatty acids, volatile compounds, macro- and microelements.Abstract
Introduction. Today the searching of new innocuous plant substances of the introduced non-traditional plants is increasingly important due to its possibility of versatile use in the pharmaceutical industry. These include Chinese Magnolia vine (Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.) – the valuable source of bioactive compounds, which are widely used in folk and scientific medicine.
The aim of the study – to learn biochemical characteristics of fruits of Chinese Magnolia vine, introduced in Wood-steppe of Ukraine. The lipid fraction, the content of volatile compounds and the mineral composition of the Magnolia-vine (S. chinensis) fruits (the cultivar Sadovy – 1), selected in M. Hryshko National Botanic Garden of NAS ofUkraine, were carried out.
Research Methods. As a raw material we used the Magnolia-vine fruits (the cultivar Sadovy – volatile compounds was implemented with chromatographic method, the content of fatty acids – with the method of capillary gas chromatography, the content of macro- and microelements – with X-ray fluorestcent method.
Results and Discussions. The chemical composition of the S. chinensis fruits is characterized by a combination of the important bioactive components, including fatty and essential oils with the rich mineral complex of the macro- and microelements. The lipid complex of Magnolia-vine seeds is revealed a high content of unsaturated fatty acids with the highest percentage of linoleic acid (69.97 %). The 65 components are founded in volatile fractions of the fruits, and 75 components – in the seeds, the main of which are nerolidol, β-elemen, D. hermakren. The mineral complex is represented with 13 macro- and microelements, the main of which are potassium, calcium, sulfur, iron, manganese and zinc.
Conclusions. The results confirm the high value of the fruits of Magnolia-vine, introduced in conditions of the Wood-steppe ofUkraine. The chemical composition of the fruit is distinguished by a combination of important bioactive components, including fatty and essential oils, rich mineral complex macro- and microelements, which has a wide range of pharmacological action. This gives the base to widespread cultivation of Magnolia-vine as a promising source of biologically active compounds that can be used to create the food additives and phyto-compositions of medical-prophylactic action.
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