Content of saponins in rhizomes with roots and leaves of primula veris l.


  • S. M. Marchyshyn Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • L. G. Shostak Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль
  • S. S. Nakonechna Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль
  • T. Ya. Yaroshenko Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль



Primula veris, saponins, leaves, rhizomes with roots.


Introduction. Primrose or primula (Primula L.) is a genus of Primulaceae family plants, which includes about 500 species, distributed throughout the globe. 67 species (according to some authors – 80) grow in the CIS countries, in Ukraine – nine of them; the most common is Primula veris.

Primula veris L. is a medicinal, vitamin, nutritional, honeyed, dyeing and decorative plant. Its chemical composition is insufficiently studied despite the widespread usage of primula in medical practice. There is no information about research of saponins contents in leaves and underground organs of Primula veris of Ukrainian flora in the available sources of scientific literature.

The aim of the study – to determine the content of saponins in leaves and rhizomes with roots of Primula veris.

Research methods. Water and spirituous-water extracts of leaves and rhizomes with roots of Primula veris were studied for saponins content. The aqueous extract of primula was used for tests on foam formation and some sedimentary reactions. The determination of chemical nature of saponins was also done. Quantitative content of saponins was determined by spectrophotometric method on a spectrophotometer Lambda 25 UV at a wave length 381 nm with following conversion to aescin.

Results and discussion. The emergence of stable foam and positive reactions with 10 % solution of basic lead acetate and 1 % alcoholic solution of cholesterol showed the presence of saponins in the leaves and rhizomes with roots of of the studied plant. It was found out during determining the chemical nature of saponins that the leaves and rhizomes with roots of Primula veris contain triterpene saponins – (1.27 ± 0.02) % and (3.69 ± 0.02) % respectively in conversion to aescin.

Conclusion. It was experimentally proved that the leaves and rhizomes with roots of Primula veris contain triterpene saponins. For the first time it was defined quantitative content of saponins in leaves and underground organs of Primula veris from Ternopil region. The content of saponins in leaves was 1.27 %, in rhizomes with roots – 3.69 % in conversion to escin.


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How to Cite

Marchyshyn, S. M., Shostak, L. G., Nakonechna, S. S., & Yaroshenko, T. Y. (2017). Content of saponins in rhizomes with roots and leaves of primula veris l. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 25–29.

