Features of lipid metabolism in women with non ST elevation acute coronary syndrome depending on the hormonal status


  • V. V. Protsko Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University




acute coronary syndrome, women, estrogen deficiency, lipid metabolism, dyslipidemia.


Introduction. The role of lipid metabolism disorders in the process of atherogenesis has long been established. It is known little about the effects of dyslipidemia on the development of coronary artery disease in women. There is a perception that the effect of endogenous estrogens during the fertile period of woman's life slows down the manifestation of atherosclerosis in women and before the onset of menopause, the incidence of CVD in women is lower. Hypercholesterolemia or atherogenic dyslipidemia is a particular danger in the development of CVD in women and the risk of macrovascular injury associated with it is due to the long asymptomatic course and significant prevalence in the female population.

The aim of the study – toconduct a comparative analysis of lipid metabolism in women with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation(STEMI) and practically healthy women, depending on the hormonal status.

Materials and Methods. We examined 157 women aged 35–72 years (average age 56.54±0.87 years). Among them, 112 female patients with STEMI (group 1) aged 39 to 72 years (average age 58.52±0.99 years). The comparison group (group 2) were 45 practically healthy women aged 35 to 71 years (average age 52.58±1.58 years). The levels of female sex hormones were determined. The lipid metabolism indices in women were measured.

Depending on the type of hormonal status, women of the 1 and 2 groups were divided into subgroups A and B consisted of 64 patients with STEMI, aged from 39–72 (middle age – 60.77±1.16), 2А – 26 practically healthy women 42–71 years (average age 58.64 ± 2.18 years) with hormonal signs of postmenopause: estradiol level <80 pmol/l (21.79 pg/ml) and LH/FSH <1 ratio index. The subgroup 1Bincluded 48 female patients with non STEMI at the age of 35 to 65 years (mean age 52.29±1.63), IIB-19 practically healthy individuals of the female population aged 35 to 58 years (middle age – 49.84±1.84years) with estradiol levels> 80 pmol/l (21.79 pg/ml) and a ratio of LH/FSH> 1.

Resultsand Discussion. Almost all female patients of the IA subgroup had a level of total cholesterol level more than 4 mmol/l, which was 1.3 times significantly greater than that of IB subgroup (95.31±2.64% (IA) vs 75.00±6.25 % (IB)). The mean level of LDL cholesterol is significantly higher in women IA subgroups (4.50±0.21 mmol/l (IA) vs 3.44±0.24 mmol/l (IB)). In 73,43±5,52% of the IA subgroup, hypertriglyceridemia was detected, which was 1.6 times more likely to be registered (45.83±8.19%) than in patients with IB subgroups. The proportion of patients with lowered LDL cholesterol was almost 1.5 times lower in the IA subgroup (37.50±6.05% (IA) vs 52.08±7.21% (IB)). The mean HDL cholesterol level in the IB was significantly lower in comparison with the subgroup 1A (1.04±0.03 mmol/l (1B) versus 1.16±0.05 mmol/l (IA). Diabet (31.25±5.15 %), smoking (54.16±7.19 %) and occupationally hazardous labor (89.58±4.41 %) was significantly higher in patients of the subgroup 1B.

Conclusions.In women with STEMI, regardless of the hormonal balance of female sex hormones, there is a greater prevalence and severity of dyslipidemia compared with healthy individuals. Estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women with STEMI cause severe lipid and lipid metabolism disorders, which contributes to the development of acute coronary syndrome. Lower levels of HDL cholesterol in patients with estrogen retained estrogen compared to estrogen-deficient patients are due to higher prevalence of diabetes (31.25±5.15 %), smoking (54.16±7.19 %) and occupationally harmful work (89.58±4.41 %), along with the presence of traditional risk factors of STEMI in these women.

Author Biography

V. V. Protsko, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University

Процько В.В., аспірант, асистент кафедри сімейної медицини ФПДО, Львівський національний медичний університет ім. Данила Галицького, Україна, Е-mail: Vasyl_Protsko@meta.ua


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How to Cite

Protsko, V. V. (2018). Features of lipid metabolism in women with non ST elevation acute coronary syndrome depending on the hormonal status. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 73–80. https://doi.org/10.11603/mcch.2410-681X.2017.v0.i4.7965

