Peculiarities of influence of blood loss on the dynamics of absorbing excretory and glycogen synthesized liver function because of cranioskeletal function
cranioskeletal injury, blood loss, liver, excretory function, glycogen.Abstract
Introduction. Many scientific researches were described about functional state of a liver as a model of multiple organ dysfunction in severe conditions of experimental injury. Important sensitive markers of liver failure are: absorption function and excretion function of a liver, with its function of synthesizing of glycogen.
The aim of the study – to learn the dynamics of absorption and excretion of a liver, with its function of synthesizing of glycogen in response to cranioskeletal injury, combined with blood loss.
Methods of the research. The experiments were performed on 54 white nonlinear male rats. In both experimental groups with sodium thiopental anesthesia we modeled a closed head injury according to the method in our own modifications. In addition, by a specially designed device was applied one-off challenge on each thigh, causing a closed fracture of the femur. We determined the duration of the selection of bromsulphalein in bile and glycogen content in the liver.
Results and Discussion. The results indicated that under the influence of simulated injuries we observed violations of absorption and excretion of a liver, with its function of synthesizing of glycogen. The largest deviations occurred after 7 days of post-traumatic period. Thus, in terms of additional bleeding violation of the liver was bigger. The reasons were: apparently deepening traumatic shock, the development of hypoxia, systemic response to inflammation.
Conclusions. The experimental cranioskeletal injury is accompanied by violation of absorption, excretion and function of synthesizing of glycogen, manifested increasing duration of start and duration of bromsulphalein allocation and reduction of glycogen in the liver tissue, especially at 3 and 7 days post-traumatic period. Additional blood loss is accompanied by an even greater violation of these features since the first day of the experiment. After 3 and 7 days post-traumatic period the beginning and duration of allocation of bromsulphalein are significantly higher and glycogen content – less than in the group of animals with cranioskeletal injury, but without additional bleeding.
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