Research of hepatoprotective melatonin properties and the role of polymorphism of the geme mtnr1b in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2


  • O. M. Oleshchuk
  • Ya. I. Ivankiv
  • O. A. Shumska



melatonin, diabetes mellitus, liver.


 The application of melatonin to improve the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2, including hepatoprotective properties and its effect on carbohydrate metabolism were studied. It is established the relationship between gene polymorphism MT2 receptor, namely its variants: rs1387153 and rs10830963 and levels of fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes.


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How to Cite

Oleshchuk, O. M., Ivankiv, Y. I., & Shumska, O. A. (2017). Research of hepatoprotective melatonin properties and the role of polymorphism of the geme mtnr1b in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 50–54.

