lead acetate, copper sulfate, glyphosate, middle mass molecules, aminotransferaseAbstract
Introduction. Heavy metals are group of xenobiotic which have the greatest stability in the environment and polytropic toxins for humanity. Heavy metals are blocking functional-active groups of proteins and structural enzymes, namely blocking sulfhydryl (thiol) group (SH). Under the action of heavy metals, most proteins lose their physicochemical and biological properties, which leads to disruption of protein and other metabolism.
The aim of the study – to investigate the effect of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate (roundup) and the cysteyl-histidyl-tyrosyl-histidyl-isoleucine on changes in endogenous intoxication and membrane status in rats of different ages.
Research Methods. The experiment was carried out on lab nonlinear white rats – males of three age periods: puberty, mature and old aging animals. The rats were administered intragastrically for 30 days aqueous solutions of the lead acetate, copper sulfate, glyphosate (in herbicide Roundup). For correction on day 21, 6 hours after toxicant administration, the peptide (cysteyl-histidyl-tyrosyl-histidyl-isoleucine) was administered for 10 days. The activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT, CF, aspartate aminotransferase (AST, CF and the content of medium mass molecules (MMM) were determined in the serum of affected and corrected rats.
Results and Discussion. As our studies showed, the administration of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate led to changes in protein metabolism in animals of different ages. These toxicants increased the content of MMM and the activity of aminotransferases in the blood plasma of affected rats. Under the action of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate and their combination, an increase in the activity of aminotransferases in the serum of animals was observed. The most pronounced increase in the activity of these enzymes was observed in 3-month-old rats. Thus, the activity of the enzyme ALT was higher by 164 % under the affect of copper sulfate, 184 % – lead acetate, 276 % – glyphosate, 428 % – in their combined damage compared to control (intact animals). The activity of the enzyme AST varied in the same way as the activity of ALT. It increased by 2.6; 2.7; 2.1 times in the serum of 3-, 6- and 24-month-old animals with combined lesions (p <0.05), respectively.
Conclusions. Liver function is suppressed by 30 days of toxic effects of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate (roundup) at a dose of 1/20 LD50. Increased serum MMM and aminotransferase (ALT, AST) activity indicated toxic hepatitis syndrome. Administration of the peptide (cysteyl-histidyl-tyrosyl-histidyl-isoleucine) as a corrective factor to rats of different ages with toxic liver damage reduces the enzymatic activity of aminotransferases and the content of medium mass molecules.
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