colewort heart-leaved, colewort Koktebelica, underground organs, hydroxycinnamic acids, HPLCAbstract
Introduction. The genus Crambe L. (colewort) belongs to the family Brassicaceae and has 44 species. In the flora of Ukraine there are 8 species of the Crambe L. genus, in the steppe zone grows 6. The scientific name of the genus comes from the Greek word “krambos”, which means “dry”. In folk medicine, colewort have long been used as an antibacterial, antiviral, antiscorbutic, wound healing agent. Colewort is known mainly as a spicy and vegetable culture. The vegetative part of the plant is appreciated in animal husbandry as nutritious fodder for large and small cattle, and colewort seeds, containing up to 45 % of fatty oil, serve as raw material for technical oil, wax, various fuels and lubricants. Thus, the genus Crambe L. is promising due to its nutritional, decorative and medicinal properties, etc. Crambe plants belong to medicinal crops, although they are not included in the pharmacopoeial lists of official medicine. Plants of the genus Crambe L. are poorly studied. Therefore, it is important to study the biologically active substances of two species of the genus Crambe L. – colewort heart-leaved (Crambe cordifolia Stev.) and colewort Koktebelica (Crambe koktebelica (Junge) N. Busch), which determine its pharmacological activity.
The aim of the study – to establish the presence and quantify the content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the underground organs of colewort heart-leaved and colewort Koktebelica by HPLC.
Research methods. The content of phenolic compounds was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Results and discussion. The quantitative content of chlorogenic, caffeic, syringic, p-coumaric, trans-ferulic, sinapic and trans-cinnamic acids was detected, identified and established by HPLC in the underground organs of colewort heart-leaved and colewort Koktebelica. In addition to the above, quinic acid was identified in the roots of colewort heart-leaved. No gallic, hydroxyphenylacetic or trans-ferulic acid were found in the raw materials of both types of colewort. Chlorogenic acid was dominant in the underground organs of colewort heart-leaved and colewort Koktebelica, the content of which was 421.6 μg/g and 278.4 μg/g, respectively.
Conclusions. The presence and method of HPLC analysis determined the quantitative content in the underground organs of colewort heart-leaved and colewort Koktebelica of individual hydroxycinnamic acids – chlorogenic, caffeic, p-coumaric, syringic, sinapic, trans-cinnamic). In the underground organs of colewort heart-leaved quinic acid was also determined. It was found that the studied raw materials of colewort heart-leaved and colewort Koktebelica is dominated by chlorogenic acid, the content of which was 421.6 μg/g and 278.4 μg/g, respectively.
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