zucchini leaves, amino acids, ion exchange liquid column chromatography, amino acids profileAbstract
Introduction. Plants are the source of almost 30 % of amino acids that are in the free or bound state. The prevalence of amino acids in plants and their high biological activity contribute to the effective action on the body of both medicinal raw materials and drugs from it.
The aim of the study – to learn the amino acid profile of zucchini leaves of three varieties.
Research Methods. The study of the amino acid composition of the raw material was carried out by ion-exchange liquid column chromatography.
Results and Discussion. 18 amino acids were detected in all tested samples of raw materials. Their amino acid profile is quite homogeneous in composition: 7 essential, 3 semi-essential and 8 replaceable amino acids. The highest content of the amount of amino acids was determined in the leaves of yellow zucchini (16.103 mg/100 mg), and the lowest content – in the leaves of white zucchini (10.782 mg/100 mg). Glutamic and aspartic acids dominate in all samples of raw materials; significant quantities contain leucine, alanine, lysine, arginine, glycine, and proline. The content of the amount of essential amino acids in the studied raw material is almost 1/3 of their total amount (32.38 %, 32.71 % and 32.56 %, respectively). Among the essential amino acids in the predominant amount are leucine, lysine, phenylalanine and threonine. It was found that zucchini leaves have a fairly high amino acid score for all essential amino acids and are close to the "reference" protein in terms of valine, lysine, leucine and phenylalanine. It was found that the protein of zucchini leaves of all studied varieties is characterized by high biological value (61.27 %, 54.38 and 80.60 %, respectively).
Conclusions. The amino acid profiles of zucchini leaves of three varieties were studied by ion-exchange liquid column chromatography. It was found that the amino acid composition is quite homogeneous, and the total content ranges from 10.782–16.103 mg/100 mg. Dominant are glutamic and aspartic acids, leucine, alanine, lysine, arginine, glycine, proline. The results of the studies indicate a sufficiently high and diverse content of amino acids in the leaves of zucchini, which can improve the balance of medicinal herbal preparations, dietary supplements based on them and suggest the presence of a wide range of pharmacological activity.
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