reperfusion, experiment, lungs, lipids peroxidation, combined trauma, massive blood lossAbstract
Introduction. The article presents the results of an experimental study that examined the effect of lower extremity reperfusion on changes in the antioxidant-prooxidant system in lung tissues under conditions of closed abdominal trauma and massive external blood loss. The results of the study showed that reperfusion of the lower extremities in combination with the simulated traumas caused a significant activation of the antioxidant-prooxidant system within seven days after the traumatic period.
The aim of the study – to study changes in the antioxidant-prooxidant system in lung tissue in a model of combined abdominal trauma, hypovolemic shock, and lower extremity reperfusion.
Research Methods. An experiment was conducted on 80 non-linear male rats weighing 190–220 grams. In the experimental groups, reperfusion of the lower extremities in combination with closed trauma of the abdominal organs was simulated against the background of massive blood loss and the dynamics of changes in the indices of TBA-active products and catalase were analyzed. Based on these data, an antioxidant-prooxidant index was calculated. The likelihood of differences between the control group and the study group was evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test.
Results and Discussion. After analyzing changes in the lipid peroxidation system in the study groups, we obtained results indicating that the imposition of hemostatic bundles on both lower extremities of the experimental animals caused significant activation of the LPO system within seven days after trauma modeling. Also, as the results of the study showed, the combination of closed abdominal trauma with massive blood loss and limb reperfusion leads to long-term oxidative stress on the one hand, and a decrease in AP I indicates a depletion of antioxidant mechanisms.
Conclusion. the imposition of hemostatic bundles on the two lower extremities, for two hours, causes a prolonged activation of the lipid peroxidation system, which is confirmed by statistically significant (p<0.05) increase in the content of TBActive LPO products, with a maximum after 3 days.
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