The role of nitric monoxide system in pathogenesis of liver lesion in experimental polytrauma


  • O. O. Kulianda I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



polytrauma, liver, NO-synthase, nitric oxide.


Introduction. Nitric monoxide (NO) is one of the most important mediators of intracellular and intercellular interaction in the neuroimmunoendocrine system. In addition to vasodilating, neurotransmitting and stress-limiting potentials, NO's participation in the  formation of nitrooxidative stress, glutamate-calcium cascade and inflammation is undoubtedly involved. Reactive nitrogen structures, according to many scientists, are involved in the pathogenesis of injuries to tissues caused by trauma.

The aim of the study – to determine the role of the system of nitrogen monoxide in the pathogenesis of liver damage in polytrauma based on the study of the dynamics of total NOS and end metabolites of nitric oxide under
the conditions of selective and nonselective NOS inhibitors usage.

Research Methods. The study was carried out on laboratory white male rats with a body weight of 180–200 g. To determine the role of NO in the pathogenesis of liver injury in polytrauma, we applied a non-selective inhibitor NOS-L-NAME and a selective inhibitor of iNOS-1400W. We investigated the activity of NOS and the content of stable end metabolites of nitric oxide in liver and serum homogenates of experimental animals at 1, 3, 7 days of polytrauma simulation. Determination of the activity of enzymes AlAT, AsAT, LF, GGTP was carried out using standard sets of reagents. In order to determine the condition of the system of nitrogen monoxide, the total activity of the nitrous oxide monosodium nitrogen (NOS) was determined by the number of formed nitrates and nitrites in the incubation medium colorimetrically. The total content of nitrates and nitrites in the liver and blood was determined by the Gris method.

Results and Discussion. It is shown that in the course of the development of an experimental trauma disease there is an increased activity of the inducible form of NOS and excessive production of nitrogen monoxide in the liver and blood of rats. The use of a nonselective inhibitor of NOS – L-NAME and a selective inhibitor of iNOS – 1400W proved the direct role of nitrogen monoxide in the pathogenesis of the development of complications from the liver due to polytrauma.

Conclusion. The obtained results of experimental studies give grounds to assert that the directed increase of the activity of the system of mono oxide of nitrogen can be a perspective way to prevent hepatic dysfunction in polytrauma.


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How to Cite

Kulianda, O. O. (2018). The role of nitric monoxide system in pathogenesis of liver lesion in experimental polytrauma. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 92–99.

