The study of bas content and hemostatic action of liquid extract of corn silk for the use in obstetrics and ginecology


  • U. V. Кarpiuk O. Bohomolets National Medical University
  • N. N. Seredynskaya Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Nams of Ukraine
  • V. S. Kyslychenko National University of Pharmacy



antihemorrhagiceffect, cormsilk, phytochemicalstudy.


Introduction. Uterine bleeding is an important social and economic problem. Herba drugs are used both in folk and in evidence medicine for atony of the uterus and uterine bleeding. Therefore, the development and research of herbal preparations with a hemostatic effect for use in uterine bleeding is an important issue.

The aim of the study – to conduct a phytochemical study of the liquid extract of corn silk, as well as study its hemostatic effect.

Research Methods. Phytochemical study of qualitative composition and quantitative content of biologically active substances of liquid extract of cron silk was carried out by qualitative reactions, spectrophotometric and titrimetric methods. A study of the hemostatic effect of a liquid extract of corn silk was carried out on outbred, mature white female rats on a model of capillary bleeding from a cut wound of the uterus. The preparation of the comparison was an extract of water pepper.

Results and Discussion. Sugars, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins were identified in the liquid extract of corn silk. It was determined that the sum of polyphenols in the liquid extract of corn silk is (8.0±0.51) %, tannins – (1.4±0.03) %, flavonoids – (2.35±0.07) %, hydroxycinnamic acids – (3.3±0.23) %, organic acids – (3.23±0.46) % by the quantitative methods of investigation. As a result of prophylactic administration of a liquid extract of corn silk to female rats, the duration of capillary bleeding from the cut cervical wound was significantly reduced. The haemostatic activity of the reference preparation was somewhat lower.

Conclusions. The conducted researches give grounds to assert about the prospects and the need for further research of the hemostatic effect of the liquid extract of corn silk.


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How to Cite

Кarpiuk U. V., Seredynskaya, N. N., & Kyslychenko, V. S. (2018). The study of bas content and hemostatic action of liquid extract of corn silk for the use in obstetrics and ginecology. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 86–92.

