Determination of fatty acid composition of garlic leaves and bulbs


  • A. I. Fedosov National University of Pharmacy
  • V. S. Kyslychenko National University of Pharmacy
  • O. M. Novosel National University of Pharmacy



polyunsaturated fatty acids, gas chromatography, qualitative and quantitative analysis, garlic.


Introduction. Polyunsaturated fatty acids show a wide spectrum of biological activity in human body, including lowering blood cholesterol level, arterial pressure, improving blood circulation, take part in prostaglandins synthesis etc. Thus, the search of new herbal sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids is an important task of modern pharmaceutical science aimed at creation of effective Ukrainian medicines and dietary supplements on their basis.

The aim of the study – to learn of qualitative composition and quantitative content of fatty acids in garlic leaves and bulbs.

Research Methods. The fatty acid composition of garlic leaves and bulbs was carried out using gas chromatography.

Results and Discussion. As a result of the research 13 fatty acids were identified and their content was determined in garlic leaves, and 11 fatty acids – in garlic bulbs. Among the saturated fatty acids palmitic acid dominated in the leaves – 17.85 % and in bulbs – 13.67 %, and among unsaturated ones – linoleic acid – 46.40 % and 64.45 % respectively. The sum of unsaturated fatty acids both in the leaves and bulbs prevailed over the sum of saturated ones, which allows to expect hypocholesteremic, hypolipidemic, antiaggregant and hypotensive activity in the medicines containing the studied plant material types.

Conclusions. 1. The fatty acid composition of garlic leaves and bulbs was carried out using gas chromatography. As a result of the research 13 fatty acids were identified and their content was determined in garlic leaves, and 11 fatty acids – in garlic bulbs. The sum of unsaturated fatty acids both in the leaves and bulbs prevailed over the sum of saturated ones, with prevalence of linoleic acid – 46,40% in the leaves and 64.45 % in bulbs. The obtained results allow recommending garlic leaves and bulbs as herbal source of polyunsaturated fatty acids with the following creation of effective Ukrainian medicines and dietary supplements on their basis.

Author Biography

A. I. Fedosov, National University of Pharmacy



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How to Cite

Fedosov, A. I., Kyslychenko, V. S., & Novosel, O. M. (2018). Determination of fatty acid composition of garlic leaves and bulbs. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 5–9.

