
  • L. V. Rynzhuk
  • V. E. Rynzhuk



Retrospective ciinico-statisticai anaiysis of 7599 iabourcase histories of the pregnant with asymptomatic bacteriuria has been performed, spanning the period from 2OO8 to 2O1Oon the base of CMF- Municipai Ciinicai Maternity Home No1 in Chernivtsi. An evaiuation of urine cuiture sampies in this particuiar cohort of gravidas has been performed. A prevaience of representatives of the intestinai group of microorganisms among the causative agents of asymptomatic bacteriuria has been estabiished on the basis of this evaiuation. The microbiai spectrum of the vagina in this particuiar group of subjects hasaiso been evaiuated and a predomination of representatives of the coccai group has been found out in it. The research carried out by the authors has demonstrated that the ascending route of infection
is a decisive one in the genesis of asymptomatic bacteriuria in gravidas.


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Nakaz MOZ Ukrayiny №9O6 vid 27.12.2OO6 r. «Perynatalʹni infektsiyi».

How to Cite

Rynzhuk, L. V., & Rynzhuk, V. E. (2015). CONTEMPORARY’VIEWS’ON’THE’COLONIZATION’MECHANISMS’OF’THE’URINARY’FROM’ASYMPTOMATIC’BACTERIURIA IN PREGNANT. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

