children, spina bifida, rehabilitationAbstract
Spina bifida is one of the most common congenital malformations, which involves a combination of lesions of organs and systems and causes early permanent disability and even death. The treatment and rehabilitation of children with spina bifida is a complex and long-term process that requires the involvement and collaboration of doctors of various specialties.
The aim of the work – to analyze literary data on the current possibilities of improving the quality of life of children with spina bifida. One of the most common problems in these children is a limitation or complete lack of mobility, reduced skin sensitivity and the formation of wounds and bedsores, the development of hydrocephalus, neurogenic disorders of the bladder and bowel, often accompanied by incontinence. In severe cases, cognitive impairment is observed. Limitation or lack of physical activity leads to obesity and complications associated with it. The ability to move independently and improve physical activity reduces the risk of obesity and improves social contact and quality of life. Rehabilitation of neurogenic bladder disorders is provided by clean intermittent catheterization, physical therapy and physiotherapy. Physical therapy exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. The type of physiotherapy depends on the type of neurogenic bladder. One of the effective methods of correction of urinary disorders is the biological feedback method. It could teach a child to coordinate the work of pelvic floor muscles.
Conclusions. The rehabilitation of children with spina bifida is a long-term and multifunctional work, which depends on the child's condition and requires multidisciplinary care. Combining the efforts of doctors and parents, the use of new rehabilitation methods can improve the quality of life of children with spina bifida.
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