Anemia of pregnant women: the affect on the functional state of the liver


  • V. T. Rudnyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical Yniversity



SUMMARY. The paper presents the results of the survey of 124 pregnant women with anemia in the third trimester of gestation, 30 pregnant - with physiological pregnancy. The functional state of the liver and coagulation were defined. We have established the incricing of activity of enzymes ALT, AST, fibrinogen, the decreasing of total protein content in pregnant women with the increase severity of anemia.

KEY WORDS: anemia of pregnant women, functional state of the liver.




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How to Cite

Rudnyk, V. T. (2015). Anemia of pregnant women: the affect on the functional state of the liver. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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