Evaluation of method of the bone grafting of palate and alveolar process with congenital cleft by combined transplant


  • Ia. M. Ilnytskyy Lviv National Medical University by Danylo Halytskyi
  • I. M. Hot’ Lviv National Medical University by Danylo Halytskyi
  • R. Z. Ohonovsky Lviv National Medical University by Danylo Halytskyi




SUMMARY. The evaluation of the results of uranoosteoplastics with simultaneous bone grafting of alveolar process for the treatment of children with congenital cleft palate and cross the alveolar process was conducted. The studies were made for 62 children who had been treated at the department of maxillofacial surgery of Lviv regional hospital with congenital cleft of palate. In 32 of them was held the uranoosteoplastics (study group) and 30 – uranoplastics in the way by I. M. Hot and collaborators (comparison group). The proposed method of treatment of congenital nonunion palate and alveolar process according to clinical observations promotes bone regeneration in the area of anatomical defects and restores the integrity of the jaw.

Key words: facial malformations, congenital cleft palate and alveolar bone, transplantation of bone, uranoplastics, uranoosteoplastics.


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How to Cite

Ilnytskyy, I. M., Hot’, I. M., & Ohonovsky, R. Z. (2015). Evaluation of method of the bone grafting of palate and alveolar process with congenital cleft by combined transplant. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2015.v23.i2-3.5237



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