
  • I. Y. Galaychuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine



melanoma, skin cancer, ultraviolet index, incidence


Purpose: to analyze the incidence of melanoma and skin cancer in young people with a justification for the carcinogenic effects of UV radiation based on the data of the National Cancer Registry.

Materials and Methods. The paper uses statistical data from the Bulletins of the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine [6–11] and own clinical observations. The analysis of cancer incidence in the age groups from 20 to 44 years for the period from 2007 to 2019 was carried out. A comparison of morbidity rates in the cohort of the population, which in 2007–2008 belonged to the age category of 30–34 years, and after 10 years (2018–2019), entered the age category of 40–44 years.

Results. It has been shown that during the 10-year interval there was a 2-fold increase in the incidence of melanoma and 4-fold increase in skin cancer. Given the active mobility of the young population to countries with a high ultraviolet index of solar activity, it can be assumed with a high probability that a significant proportion of malignant skin tumors were initiated by excessive UV radiation. Clinical examples of melanoma and skin cancer are presented, in the occurrence of which UV radiation played a major role.

Conclusions. Short-term migration of the white-skin population to equatorial latitudes contributes to the accelerated occurrence of premalignant loci in the skin of young people under the action of UV radiation. The transformation of precancerous lesions into malignant skin tumors is a long-term process that can now be effectively monitored by visual skin self-examinations, digital photoscreening, and telemedicine consultations with oncologists. Timely diagnosis and treatment of superficial forms of malignant melanoma prevents its transition to the phase of metastatic spreading.

Author Biography

I. Y. Galaychuk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Oncology, Radiation Diagnostics and Therapy and Radiation Medicine, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University


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How to Cite

Galaychuk, I. Y. (2021). CARCINOGENIC EFFECT OF ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIATION ON HUMAN SKIN IN THE CONDITIONS OF POPULATION MOBILITY. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 18–24.



Health and society