
  • N. A. Mamedalіev Ukrainian Research Institute of Medicine and Transport
  • V. A. Divocha Ukrainian Research Institute of Medicine and Transport



questionnaire, morbidity, ARVI, vaccination level, inuenza, complication of the disease.


Purpose: to develop a questionnaire, to conduct a population survey in Odesa and to generalize the data on the population’s attitude to the problems of the morbidity of the in? uenza virus and other SARS, as well as to determine the level of their vaccination against the ? u.

Research methods. 70 people from different social groups were interviewed: students, working people, pensioners aged 17 to 76 years. The work used medical-sociological and statistical methods of research.

Results and Discussion. A questionnaire survey conducted by our population in Odesa showed that there is a constant frequency of SARS morbidity 1–2 times per season. The cases of in? uenza virus were mostly transmitted in average form (56.5 %) during 3–5 days, with high body temperature and disability. In 17.4 % there was a complication of acute respiratory infections (angina, bronchitis, pneumonia). For the treatment of an already occurring disease, the respondents used mostly combined methods (72.5 %): antipyretics and folk methods (tea, mustard, etc.).

Conclusions. The results of the study indicate a low level of trust in the organization of medical care among the population – only 20.3 % of the respondents turned to the doctor after the ? rst symptoms appeared. The low level of vaccination was detected among the respondents (8.7 %) – the majority of the population never vaccinated with inuenza – 91.3 %.

Author Biographies

N. A. Mamedalіev, Ukrainian Research Institute of Medicine and Transport

Мамедаліев Новруз Алі огли-врач хірург хірургічного віділення  Центральноі  районноі лікарні м. Бориспіля, Киівськоі області, Пошукач Украінського НДІ Медицини транспорту МОЗ Украіни,0506262034

V. A. Divocha, Ukrainian Research Institute of Medicine and Transport

доктор медичних наук,завлаб експереметальноі та клінічноі патологіі Украінського НДІ медицини транспорту, 0677640382,


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How to Cite

Mamedalіev N. A., & Divocha, V. A. (2018). RESULTS OF QUESTIONNAIRE OF THE POPULATION IN ODESA ON ACUTE RESPIRATORY VIRAL INFECTIONS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3).



Health and society