
  • A. O. Shcherbenko Bogomolets national medical university



tooth wear, tooth wear indices, attrition, erosion, abfraction.


Resume: Depletion, erosion, and abrasion are manifested in the form of tooth wear. Each classification corresponds to different processes with specific clinical signs. Classifications that are currently available do not have accurate data on the prevalence of tooth wear, since the indices do not always measure a specific etiology, or because the study populations can be very diverse in age and characteristics. Deterioration of teeth (abrasion, erosion and abrasion) is considered at the international level as a growing problem. There are both clinical and scientific needs to measure the wear of the tooth, and literature fades with many methods that can be conditionally divided into quantitative and qualitative. However, interpreting and comparing clinical and epidemiological studies is becoming increasingly difficult due to differences in terminology and a large number of indicators / indicators that have been developed to diagnose, classify and monitor the loss of hard tooth tissues. These indicators were designed to identify an increase in accuracy, but no one has a general definition, which makes it difficult to estimate the true increase in spread. In the literature, various indicators have been determined for the use in specific clinical and laboratory conditions of specific indicators for erasure, wear and tooth erosion.

Aim - is to analyze the specialized scientific literature for summarizing data on views on the etiology and methods for examining the indicators of tooth erosion.

Materials and methods. We studied and analyzed the available scientific literature, which is devoted to the peculiarities of etiopathogenesis, clinical course and methods of studying the indicators of tooth erosion.

Conclusions: There are a lot of indices that are proposed and used, with the lack of standardization in terminology. To date, there is no ideal index that can be used to conduct epidemiological studies, and it must also be recognized that there is no indicator to meet all the requirements of clinical research groups. The current diagnostic criteria for various forms of tooth wear are not accurate, so there is a need for further research.


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How to Cite

Shcherbenko, A. O. (2017). CLINICAL MEASUREMENT INDICES OF TOOTH WEAR. THEORETICAL REVIEW. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2).



The review of the scientific literature