air temperature, dynamics.Abstract
Objective.Thestudywasaimedtoinvestigatethefeatures of regional temperature changes in Ternopil for 10 years and to compare the findings with those inUkraine andEurope.
Materials and Methods. To determine the parameters of air temperature and amount of fallout the original statistical analysis of meteorological data in Ternopil for 10 last years and other cities of Ukraine in 2015 have been studied. To analyze the indices of air in some European countries the global climate data have been used.
Results. The analysis of air in some European countries showed significant fluctuations. The largest increment in temperature from 2011 to 2014 was recorded in Croatia (by 50.0%), significantly has increased index for 3 years in the UK (by 13.0%) and Spain (by 16.0%). In Ukraine, the average annual temperature has increased in 2014 by 16.3%, in 2015 – by 11.3%, comparatively to the previous year. Temperature curves in Ukraine indicate a general trend to global warming with probable significant increase in temperature during summer months.
Conclusions. Over the past 10 years, the increment in Ternopil air temperature was recorded within the range of 0,8-2,3 0С with the highest rate in 2015, which corresponds to the general trend of global warming in Ukraine and in Europe. This should be considered during elaboration of protocols of diseases prevention and treatment.
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