
  • O. M. Okusok Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • L. A. Hryshchuk SHEI “Ternopil State Medical University by I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • Y. M. Maliy Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary, Ternopil, Ukraine




first diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis, toxic liver damage, the effectiveness of treatment.


Purpose: to analyze the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis depending on toxic liver damage.

Materials and methods. It was investigated 57 cases hospital treatment of patients with first diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the occurrence of toxic liver lesions during treatment. Group 1 (29 patients) –during treatment  toxic liver damage were found, group 2 – (28 patients) – toxic liver damage during treatment not observed.

Results. It is established that the maximum number of toxic complications of the liver is observed on 2 (48.3%) month of hospital treatment. In the group of patients without liver toxicity during therapy cure rate efficiency  better than in the first group, in particular the cessation of bacterial excretion was noted in 88.0% , in the 1-st group – 75.0%, the closing of destruction cavities respectively in 77,8% against 62.5%.

Conclusions. Toxic liver damage affects the efficiency of hospital treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.


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How to Cite

Okusok, O. M., Hryshchuk, L. A., & Maliy, Y. M. (2017). EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PATIENTS TREATMENT WITH THE FIRST DIAGNOSED PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS DEPENDING ON TOXICITY LIVER DAMAGE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2017.2.8103



Organization of medical care