
  • O. M. Dzyuba РЕ “Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
  • L. M. Pazynych РЕ “Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
  • O. R. Sitenko РЕ “Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
  • Ye. M. Kryvenko РЕ “Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”



global burden of diseases, risk factors, non-communicable diseases, disability.


Purpose – to take up questions of global burden of diseases on the basis of  literary sources studying.

Materials and methods. In the study bibliosemantic and analytical methods have been used.

Official normative documents and statistical data on clarification of problems of global burden of diseases inUkrainehave been considered.

Results. In sphere of health care it is possible to count the main achievements: increase the average life expectancy, overcoming many infectious diseases, development of preventive technologies, occurrence of genetic medicine, creation of new generations of medicines, increasing GNP at health care, development of modern medical technologies, high professionalism of medical personnel, increase of the standard of living as a whole.

Conclusions. Investment in prevention and more effective struggle against non-communicable diseases will significantly improve life quality and increase well-being of people and society.


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How to Cite

Dzyuba, O. M., Pazynych, L. M., Sitenko, O. R., & Kryvenko, Y. M. (2017). THE ACTUAL QUESTIONS OF GLOBAL BURDEN OF DISEASES IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2).



Organization of medical care