
  • Z. V. Lashkul SI "Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education MHC of Ukraine" Zaporizhia, Ukraine.
  • I. G. Bibyk SI "Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education MHC of Ukraine" Zaporizhia, Ukraine.



psychiatric Service of Ukraine, legislation, protection of human rights.


Purpose - to analyze the legal framework governing the work of psychiatric Service of Ukraine to improve psychiatric care at the primary level GP / FD.

Materials and Methods: The study materials were regulations on the provision of mental health care inUkraine. To study and analysis of the legal framework used method for content analysis.

Results. After a detailed analysis of the legal framework psychiatric help Ukraine, and more research to provide medical care to patients with mental and behavioral disorders, including reforms in health care and the transition to primary health care, to improve the provision of mental health care at the primary level GP / FD offer to make some changes to the Law of Ukraine № 1489-III of 22.02.2000. "On psychiatric care".

Conclusions. The necessity of amending the century. 11, 12, 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On psychiatric care" in terms of providing legal rights of psychiatric examinations, psychiatric care GP / SL at the primary level.


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How to Cite

Lashkul, Z. V., & Bibyk, I. G. (2017). ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK GOVERNING THE WORK OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2).



Organization of medical care