
  • V. V. Kruchanytsia Uzhgorod National University



general practitioner-family doctor, anti alcohol activity, types of activity, functional-and-organizational model, algorithm of implementation.


Goal of study: to define principal directions of anti alcohol activity of general practitioner-family doctor in the frames of reforms in health care branch.

Materials and methods. Bibliosemantic method, the methods of structural-and-logical analysis, of descriptive modeling, of expert assessments and systemic approach were used as the principal methods of study. The results of previous personal research on studying the determinants of population alcohol abuse and the analysis of scientific publications on specified theme were taken as materials for research. The proposed directions of anti alcohol activity of general practitioner-family doctor were assessed by 50 experts. 

Results. The highest support was given by the experts to the following types of anti alcohol activity of general practitioner-family doctor: all kinds of information and education including the organizing of health school "Sober life"; creation of psycho-rehabilitational outpatient centers in the place of work or on the basis of family ambulatory units; inter professional approach to anti alcohol activities at the community level including the attraction of the Church.

The experts’ lowest support was given to the following types of anti alcohol activity of general practitioner-family doctor: treatment of alcohol abusers according to the program, developed in cooperation with narcologist and dispensary supervision of persons abusing alcohol according to the program, developed in cooperation with narcologist.

Conclusions. Approaches of general practitioner-family doctor to anti alcohol activity, the use of which is to ensure the effectiveness of preventive and remedial measures are proposed.


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How to Cite

Kruchanytsia, V. V. (2016). ANTI ALCOHOL ACTIVITY OF GENERAL PRACTITIONER-FAMILY DOCTOR. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3).



Organization of medical care