
  • L. A. Khomenko Bogomolets national medical university, Kyiv
  • P. А. Leous Belarusian national medical university, Minsk
  • E. І. Ostapko Bogomolets national medical university, Kyiv
  • G. V. Sorochenko Bogomolets national medical university, Kyiv, Ukraine



dental caries trend, analytical dental epidemiology, European oral health indicators, determinants of dental caries, behavioral habits of children.


An objective of this study was the evaluation of the European oral health indicators in assessing the possible correlation between behavioral habits and dental status of school children.

Materials and Methods. The meta-analysis of dental literature and analytical dental epidemiology was employed, using the EGOHID-2005 system. Oral hygiene, dental caries and gingival bleeding were assessed in 12–15-year-old children in Kiev and Minsk.

Results. An increasing trend of DMFT was estimated in 12-year-old children in most localities studied. Prevalence of dental caries varied from 2.0 to 4.0 DMFT; gingival bleeding in 15-year-olds: 15%-98%. The major factors which could make a negative effect on oral health were non-observance of recommended frequency of toothbrushing, low motivation in using of fluoridated toothpastes and everyday eating of sweet food.

Conclusion. The EGOHID system was a valuable method for determination of the negative behavioral habits affecting oral health of school children.


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How to Cite

Khomenko, L. A., Leous P. А., Ostapko E. І., & Sorochenko, G. V. (2016). ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE OF DENTAL CARIES RISK INDICATORS IN CASES OF DIFFERENT PREVALENCE AMONG SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2).



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