
  • G. О. Slabkyi SI "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv
  • О. N. Dzyuba SI "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv
  • A. A. Dudina SI "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv
  • J. J. Haborets SI "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv



perinatal care, the state of implementation, performance indices.


Purpose: To study and analyze the regionalization of perinatal care condition in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. Data of the Center for Health Statistics Ministry of Health of Ukraine during 2011-2014  were studied; monitoring results of regionalization of perinatal care in Ukraine, which carries out by Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches  Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Results. From the total number of births in perinatal care institutions of first level was deliveries 36.5% of women, the second level – 46.8%, the third level – 16.7%. Sufficient concentration in perinatal centers of third level of deliveries pregnant women with congenital heart diseases (63.4%), diseases of the circulatory system (50.5%) and newborns weighing 500,0-999,0 g (59.0%) and 1000.0–1499.0 g (52.9%) has been established, increasing their survival rate at first 168 hours of life from 57.6% in 2011 up to 64.2% in 2014 and from 87.3% up to 89.9% accordingly. It is revealed considerably best survival rates of these categories of newborns in perinatal care institutions of third level compared with institutions of first level.

Conclusions. Regionalization of perinatal care positively influences on its efficiency.


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How to Cite

Slabkyi G. О., Dzyuba О. N., Dudina, A. A., & Haborets, J. J. (2016). STATE OF REGIONALIZATION OF PERINATAL CARE IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2).



Organization of medical care