
  • V. A. Dufinets Mukachevo private center «Vizus», Mukachevo
  • Т. S. Gruzieva Bogomolets National Medical University, Кyiv



the incidence of eye disease, medical and social characteristics of patients, institutions of different ownership.


Objective: To study the medical and social characteristics of consumers of paid ophthalmological medical services, sources and reasons of applying to private health care institutions.

Materials: official documents of the WHO, of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the results of sociological interviewing of patients. Methods: bibliographic, information-analytical, medical-statistical and sociological.

Results. In the private ophthalmological center 8.7% of individualswere younger than 40 years, 29.1% – 40–59 years, 62.2% – 60 and older; 59.8% of patients were women. 40% of patients had secondary and incomplete secondary education, while 60% – higher and secondary special. 72.6% of individuals were rural residents andurban – 27.4%. Reasons of visits were such: cataract (62.4%), glaucoma (16.8%) and retinal disease (19.2%). Patients expressed confidence in better resources for private structures, organization and quality of care.

Conclusions. The study of health and social characteristics of patients of private medical institutions will contribute to the improvement of marketing strategies to expand the scope of paid medical services, reduce the burden on the state and municipal sectors and to improve the quality and accessibility of care.


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How to Cite

Dufinets, V. A., & Gruzieva Т. S. (2016). MEDICAL AND SOCIAL CHARACTERISTIC OF OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PATIENTS IN PRIVATE HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1).



Organization of medical care