
  • R. V. Rakhmanov Ukrainian Research Institute of Social and Forensic Psychiatry and Drug Abuse, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv Dnipropetrovsk clinical psychoneurological hospital, Dnipropetrovsk



non-psychotic mental disorders, therapy, parents, children, cerebral palsy, autism, targets, complex treatment.


The purpose of the study. On the basis of clinical, psychopathological and psychological features of non-psychotic mental disorders in parents whose children suffer from cerebral palsy and autism to develop their complex treatment in view of its specific targets.

Materials and methods. We conducted a comprehensive treatment of 370 parents whose children suffer from cerebral palsy and autism.

Results. It is noted that the effectiveness of the therapeutic measures (psychotherapy + pharmacotherapy) was higher in families with children with autism. Thus, the reduction of symptoms of depression (F32.0) was achieved on average 67.1% of men against 37.6% among parents whose children suffer from cerebral palsy. Phobic and anxiety disorders (F40.9) at 68.8% against 60.9% of cases, and for adjustment disorder (F43.23) in 71.0% versus 56.4%, respectively.

Conclusions. Thus, at the present stage of development of psychiatry, early diagnosis and treatment non-psychotic mental disorders in parents whose children suffer from cerebral palsy and autism, are still significant, largely unexplored and undeveloped even before the end of the problem. The development of psycho-social rehabilitation programs of the child must include the identification of risk groups among families in the development non-psychotic mental disorders and providing them with a comprehensive pharmacotherapy.


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How to Cite

Rakhmanov, R. V. (2016). COMPLEX TREATMENT OF NON-PSYCHOTIC MENTAL DISORDERS IN PARENTS WHOSE CHILDREN SUFFER FROM CEREBRAL PALSY AND AUTISM. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4).



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