
  • M. F. Andreiko Dnepropetrovsk Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Ukraine



mental disorders, HIV monitoring.


Objective: to monitor cases of primary HIV diagnostics to determine the frequency of infection at patients of psychiatric hospital.

Materials and methods: personalized information about initial HIV diagnosis at psychiatric hospital, clinical and epidemiological, statistical methods.

Results. During 18-year study 28,816 patients have been examined, HIV was detected at 951 patients. The highest rate of infectionness was observed in the period 2006-2010, from 8.6% in 2008 to 4% in 2010. The most common HIV infected patients with schizophrenia (43.2%) and patients with dependent states (23.6%).

Conclusions. The frequency of infectionness of patients with mental disorders is higher than in population studies. In 2014, the rate of HIV at the hospital was 2.83%, in Dnepropetrovsk region 1.59%, in Ukraine 1.04%. The most vulnerable to HIV infection are patients with schizophrenia and dependent states. The order of MOH Ukraine from 19.08.2005 year №415 – about nonspreading HIV. The data needed for treatment and rehabilitation of patients.


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How to Cite

Andreiko, M. F. (2016). MONITORING OF HIV INFECTION IN LARGE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4).



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