
  • М. I. Koval Ternopil State Medical University



euthanasia, palliative care, the principles of bioethics.


Aim. To elucidate the bioethics’ morals and absolutes what should be used by medical workers for medical care of incurable patients. 

Materials and metods. The analysis of regulations, laws and ethics acts was performed using the bibliographic and hermeneutic methods.

Results. The attitude to death was analyzed in the article, which is characteristic of civilization as well as the inviolability of human life in the context of God's law “Thou shalt not kill!”. The euthanasia as an act of murder that cannot be allowed under any circumstances was revealed. palliative care as care of the entire human personality is disclosed and the principles of bioethics that require a doctor's personal responsibility for the life and health of the patient. These questions cannot be leaved without attention and public administration.

Conclusions. Euthanasia and proper palliative care are not only the quite different things, it is the radical opposition. Governments should take care about proper and useful laws and acts. The implementation of palliative care instead of euthanasia is the way of mitigation of suffering of incurable human.


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How to Cite

Koval М. I. (2016). CONTRАMEASURE OF EUTHANASIA – PALLIATIVE CARE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3).


