
  • V. I. Bugro National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education named P.L. Shupik, Kyiv
  • V. V. Horachuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education named P.L. Shupik, Kyiv



hospital beds, inpatient care, rational use of resources.


Purpose. The aim of the study is systematic analysis of performance of the hospitals of Ukraine in 2005–2014 and determining of prospects of further directions of reforming the hospital care.

Materials and methods. We used methods of system approach and system analysis, health statistics. Our study found that, despite setting hospital network in order and developing institutions of general practice/family medicine, still high are availability of inpatient beds to the population (71.9 per 10,000 people, while in the EU – 55.0), length of hospital stay (11.6 days, the European average – 9.2 days), while there is a reduction of average number of days of bed occupancy in city hospitals (from 339.84 to 331.0), central district hospitals (from 333.76 to 320.8), local hospitals (from 341.2 to 329.9), district hospitals (from 336.9 to 327.8), as well as of the number of beds in day hospitals (from 4659 to 1924). Results of the analysis allow us to draw conclusions about the reserves of volume-related improvement of bed use, compliance with indications for patient stay at day-night beds and further development of day hospitals.


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How to Cite

Bugro, V. I., & Horachuk, V. V. (2016). ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS INPATIENT CARE IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3).



Organization of medical care