
  • N. O. Rynhach Instytut of Demography and Social Studies of M.V. Ptukha National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • О. M. Dziuba State Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv
  • О. R. Sytenko State Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv
  • А. O. Keretsman SHEI "Uzhhorod National University"



взаємодія, превентивні стратегії, чинники ризику, хронічні неінфекційні захворювання.


Purpose: to study foreign experience of interaction "state-society" in struggle against chronic non-communicable diseases, to allocate acceptable approaches and strategies for Ukraine.

Materials and methods. Results of interventions on reduce the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases, which carried out in cooperation between state and society in the different countries of the world have been analysed. Bibliosemantych and content analysis method are applied.

Results. "The state, which activates" new way are determined by the concept of relationship between the state and citizens: from guardianship the state passes to partner relations and acts as an institute providing manufacture and provision of certain services; creates necessary conditions for processes of social activity and encourages citizens to independent decision of  problems; the state also is institute of supervision for social and economic activities.

Conclusions. Foreign experience can become the basis for developing of innovative interventions for the purpose of health improvement and reduce premature mortality of the population in Ukraine.

KEY WORDS: interaction, preventive strategies, risk factors, chronic non-communicable diseases.


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How to Cite

Rynhach, N. O., Dziuba О. M., Sytenko О. R., & Keretsman А. O. (2015). INTERACTION "STATE-SOCIETY" FOR HEALTH: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF STRUGGLE WITH NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1).



The international experience