
  • G. Ya. Parkhomenko РЕ "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches MHС of Ukraine", Kyiv
  • V. G. Slabkyi Uzhhorod National University


hospital, role, functions, world experience.


Purpose: to analyze sources of scientific literature on the role and functions of hospitals.

Materials and methods. In study it is applied bibilosemantyck method – 58 scientific literature sources are analyzed.

Results. The central function of hospitals is treatment of patients, but the hospital role not is limited only to this function, the hospital also can be an important site for education and carrying out of scientific researches, support nearby health facilities. The hospital giving many workplaces, plays an important social role.

Conclusions. Expectations connected with each of functions significantly influence the organization of hospital activity and on structure of its communications. The results received during study should be used in the development of strategy of further reform of the health care system in Ukraine and formation of a network of hospitals at all levels of management.


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How to Cite

Parkhomenko, G. Y., & Slabkyi, V. G. (2015). ROLE AND FUNCTION OF HOSPITALS (ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF LITERATURE). Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4). Retrieved from



The review of the scientific literature