
  • N. F. Shyshatska РЕ «Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches MHС of Ukraine», Kyiv


health care system focused on the patient, principle.


Purpose: to examine and analyze modern approaches to development of health care systems focused on the patient.

Materials and methods. During work performance following methods of scientific researches are used: bibliosemantyck, content analysis, structural and logical analysis. The basis of the study was a system approach. The basic international documents on maintenance of patients rights in health care systems were research materials.

Results. The basic principles of health care system focused on patients, are: conformity to the current legislation; orientation on requirements of patients, including information about their rights and exclusion of all forms of discrimination; integration of various types of medical services; observance with the code of ethical standards; effective quality monitoring system; possibility of attraction citizens to the health care organization; interaction between the supplier and recipient of health services; conformity of management to modern requirements; high qualified specialists; availability and quality of health services.

Conclusions. These principles cover almost everything that can be provided in the work of health care system focused on patients, but at this stage of development of national health system implementation of these principles is a challenge.


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How to Cite

Shyshatska, N. F. (2015). DEVELOPMENT OF ORIENTATION OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS ON PATIENTS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4). Retrieved from



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