
  • V. M. Lekhan Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • V. G. Ginsburg Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy


medical care, integration, model.


Purpose: theoretical substantiation of model of integrated health care system in Ukraine for improvement of quality and efficiency of health services of the population.

Materials and methods: system approach and analysis, conceptual modeling.

Results. Theoretically proved the general model of integration medical care in Ukraine, leading which components are activity coordination (between health care levels, health care facilities and their structural departments); team work of doctors of various specialties, continuity of medical care. Conditions providing realisation of model, are defined: health care standardization, creation of powerful financial pool, adjustment of effective information interchange between stakeholders of health care and creation of collective responsibility system for resalts of system performance.   

Conclusions. Medical care integration allows increasing its efficiency and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Lekhan, V. M., & Ginsburg, V. G. (2015). THEORETICAL SUBSTANTIATION OF MODEL OF INTEGRATED HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4). Retrieved from



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