


medical education, soft skills


Purpose: elucidation of changes in the assessment of universal competencies by medical university graduates after 14 years, identification of main trends, new needs for substantiating the ways of their provision.

Materials and Methods. A questionnaire survey of DNMU graduates was conducted in 2009–2010 and 2023 according to the European methodology by the TUNING project.

Questionnaires included 30 universal competencies selected by European experts in the education. Respondents rated their importance on a 4-point scale.

Results. According to the results of the survey, graduates in 2023 consider 24 competencies more significant than the graduates in 2009–2010. According to the average rating in 2009–2010, the first places occupied the following competencies: the ability to apply knowledge in practice (3.58), the desire for success (3.56), concern for quality (3.53). In 2023, the priorities changed and the highest scores were the ability to work independently (3.94) and teamwork (3.81). Concern for quality remained in the third place (3.78).

When comparing the average scores, the biggest difference was found in the following competencies: basic computer skills 21 %, ability to work independently 14.2 %, planning and time management 12.4 %, adherence to ethical values ​​12.1 %, teamwork 11.7 %, acceptance of differences and multiculturalism 10.9 %, understanding of culture and customs of other countries 9.5 %.

The assessment of the importance of competence for professional activity and its provision by training by graduates in 2023 was compared. The biggest differences are in basic computer skills – by 42.5 %. The respondents ranked second language knowledge (19.3 %) in second place in terms of the difference between need and acquisition during education.

As you can see, competence, which is not so difficult to acquire during training, took first place. Almost the same with knowledge of a second language. It is only necessary to review the content and quality of teaching of the relevant subjects in a timely manner.

Conclusions. New trends in the evaluation of universal skills by graduates of a higher medical educational institution have been revealed, their expectations from training are substantiated by a review of the content and quality of training in some subjects. There are two soft skills, of which medical university graduates would like more training: basic computer skills and knowledge of a second language.

Author Biography

O. V. Shynkar, Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Docent of department of organization of higher education, management of health care and hygiene, Donetsk National Medical University


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How to Cite

Shynkar, O. V. (2024). CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPORTANCE OF UNIVERSAL COMPETENCIES BY MEDICAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. RE-STUDY AFTER 14 YEARS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 90–95.



Medical personnel training