



sociological survey, neuropathologists, anesthesiologists, factors, donation, organ transplantation


Purpose: to conduct a sociological study among patients, neurologists, anesthesiologists, as potential participants in the process of organ transplantation and determine the factors for the development of organ donation and organ transplantation.

Materials and Methods. Medical and sociological research related to doctors-neuropathologists, doctors-anesthesiologists, and patients was carried out in the work. The survey covered a representative sample: 417 doctors-neuropathologists and 453 doctors-anesthesiologists of the municipal health care institutions of Ukraine and 411 patients of the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Results. Transplantology today has become one of the areas where advanced medical technologies are combined with many years of scientific experience. The urgency of the problem of improving the system of organ transplantation is due to the high prevalence of diseases leading to this category of surgical interventions. In Ukraine, against the background of the developing system of organ donation, such aspects as the specifics of the organization of the organ transplantation system, training of personnel for transplantation, the lack of analysis of the attitude of the population to organ donation, have not been sufficiently studied. However, one of the priority directions in solving this problem is to monitor the opinion of patients, anesthesiologists and neuropathologists in the context of the organization of the process flow of the organ donation and transplantation system.

In the article, with the help of a sociological study of patients, doctors-neuropathologists, doctors-anesthesiologists, potential participants in the process of organ transplantation, an attempt was made to isolate the factors of the development of organ transplantation, aimed at preserving the life of patients with end-stage heart, lung, liver and kidney diseases. It was found that the respondents do not have enough information on the developments regarding organ donation and transplantation, are not oriented in the modern regulatory framework, which hinders the already progress in this direction.

Conclusion. The obtained data confirmed the feasibility of isolating the factors of organ transplantation development aimed at preserving the life of patients.

Author Biographies

G. I. Kovtun, Heart Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Myocardial Pathology and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues, Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

O. A. Kaniura, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

MD, professor, vice rector for research, academic and clinical of Bogomolets National medical university, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Kovtun, G. I., & Kaniura, O. A. (2024). FACTORS OF ORGAN DONATION AND ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION DEVELOPMENT. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 33–37. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2024.2.14784



Health and society