quality of life, food, health, obesity, questionnaire SF-36Abstract
Purpose: to study the impact of eating habits on quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire.
Materials and Methods. 50 women aged 30 to 61 took part in the study. At the beginning of the study, all participants had their anthropometric parameters (height and body weight) determined and baseline health-related quality of life (HQOL) assessed using a questionnaire SF-36, after which the participants were given recommendations on proper nutrition in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which had to be followed for 56 days, and then a repeat survey using the same questionnaire SF-36 was performed. Bibliographic, sociological, anthropometric, analytical and statistical methods were used.
Results. It was established that at the beginning of the study, 96 % of the participants had excess body weight or obesity and a rather low level (HRQL), as evidenced by the average assessment of the quality of life, which was 53.33±15.60 points. The highest was the assessment of physical functioning – 77.00 points. Somatic pain worsened the self-reported quality of life of the study participants only slightly, as evidenced by the score at the level of 67.45 points. The assessment of social functioning was also relatively high – 63.00 points. The influence of the emotional state on role functioning was only 34.00 points, the average score for physical condition was 41.00 points, and for the feeling of strength and energy – 44.2 points. After 56 days of adjusted nutrition, 92 % of the participants in the study recorded an improvement in their physical and mental health. The average assessment of the quality of life increased to 58.49±15.24 points, or by 9.68 % (p<0.05). There was also a significant improvement in social functioning by 15.47 % (p<0.05) and a feeling of fullness of strength and energy by 12.0 % (p<0.05). In all other domains of the SF-36, there was a trend toward improvement that did not reach reliability due to the small sample and short follow-up.
Conclusions. Thus, the formation of healthy eating habits had a pronounced beneficial effect on the quality of life of the study participants. That is why the assessment of a personʼs HCV is an important indicator that can be used in combination with other parameters as a determinant of health, which affects the development of the disease and determines its prognosis. It has been established that there is a connection between unhealthy eating habits, which leads to an increase in the body weight of patients, the development of various non-infectious diseases and the quality of life of these individuals, and in order to improve the latter, it is necessary to change a person's eating habits. This will not only normalize the person’s body weight, but also improve overall health.
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