
  • K. K. Vasyliev Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
  • Yu. K. Vasyliev Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine




social hygiene, public health, Ukraine, 20th century


Purpose: close the existing gap by examining the main milestones in the life and work of Professor Dailisa.

Materials and Methods. When covering his biography, in addition to the published sources, we also used archival ones, and the method we used was historical.

Results. The article for the first time covers in detail the life and work of I. L. Dailisa. For the first time, the content of his scientific heritage has been revealed.

Conclusions. Isaac Lvovich Dailis belonged to the first generation of social hygienists in Ukraine. For the first time it was established the date and place of his birth – March 18 (30), 1889, Chisinau, Russian Empire (now the capital of the Republic of Moldova); his social origin was from the burghers of the city of Balty (then a district town of the Podolsk province of the Russian Empire; now a city in the Podolsk region of the Odesa region of Ukraine); place and years of his secondary education – 2nd Chisinau Men's Gymnasium (1898–1906). In addition, the years of his study at the medical faculty of the university in Odesa were determined: 1906–1911. It is shown that before taking the place of assistant at the Department of Social Hygiene (headed by Professor L. V. Gromashevsky), he worked as a sanitary doctor and epidemiologist. In 1923 L. V. Gromashevsky organized and headed the Department of Social Hygiene at the Odesa Medical Institute (now Odesa National Medical University), and I. L. Dailis began working as his assistant. In 1928–1963 with a break in 1941–1944 I. L. Dailis headed the Department of Social Hygiene (since 1941 the Department was called Health Care Organization) at the Odesa Medical Institute. Scientific works of Professor Dailis were devoted to a wide range of problems: the work of a disinfection station, the epidemiology of epidemic encephalitis, morbidity and mortality of the population, the health of medical workers and students of a medical institute, the organization of medical care for the population in a single dispensary and workers of superphosphate production, the health of workers in vineyards, the history of health care, and also teaching Social Hygiene and Health Care Organization.

Author Biography

Yu. K. Vasyliev, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), associate professor of the Department of Public Health of Sumy State University


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Vasyliev, K.K., & Vasyliev, Ju.K. (2013). K 90-letiju kafedry socialnoj mediciny, medicinskogo prava i menedzhmenta Odesskogo nacionalnogo medicinskogo universiteta: L.V. Gromashevskij (1887–1980) [To the 90th anniversary of the Department of Social Medicine, Medical Law and Management of Odessa National Medical University: L.V. Gromashevsky (1887–1980)]. Medytsyna sohodni i zavtra – Medicine today and tomorrow, 4(61), 69-73 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L., & Turubiner, V.A. (1927). Bjudzhet vremeni studentov Odesskogo medicinskogo instituta [Time budget for students of the Odessa Medical Institute]. Odesskij medicinskij zhurnal – Odessa Medical Journal, 7, 25-35 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L. (1923). Dva goda v dezinfekcionnoj kamere: jepidemiologo-statisticheskij otchet o rabote vrachej dezinfekcionnyh otrjadov (1919–1921 gg.) [Two years in a disinfection chamber: an epidemiological and statistical report on the work of doctors of disinfection teams (1919–1921)]. Za pjat let. Otchetnyj sbornik dezinfekcionnoj stancii (dezkamery) Odesskogo gubzdravotdela za 1918-1922 gg. – In five years. Report collection of the disinfection station (disinfection chamber) of the Odessa Provincial Health Department for 1918-1922. Odessa [in Russian].

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Dailis, I.L. (1960). Zabolevaemost s poterej trudosposobnosti sredi rabochih vinogradarskih sovhozov Odesskoj oblasti [Morbidity with loss of ability to work among workers of viticultural state farms in the Odessa region]. Nauchnaja sessija Odesskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta im. N.I. Pirogova – Scientific session of the Odessa State Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogova, 47-48 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L., Shtekelis, R.I., & Rozentsvayg, A.M. (1961). K voprosu o mediko-sanitarnom obsluzhivanii rabochih superfosfatnogo proizvodstva [On the issue of health care for superphosphate production workers]. Voprosy ozdorovlenija superfosfatnogo proizvodstva – Issues of improving superphosphate production, 67-70 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L. (1966). K istorii gigienicheskogo obshhestva v Odesse [To the history of the hygienic society in Odessa]. Gigiena i sanitarija – Hygiene and sanitation, 11, 71-74 [in Russian].

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Dailis, I.L. (1923). K jepidemiologii jepidemicheskogo jencefalita [On the epidemiology of epidemic encephalitis]. Profilakticheskaja medicina – Preventive medicine, 5-6, 98-110 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L. (1924). Mihajlovskij rajon g. Odessy: sanitarnyj ocherk [Mikhailovsky district of Odessa: sanitary essay]. Sovremennaja medicina – Modern medicine, 1, 67-75; 2-3, 50-56; 4-6, 87-93 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L., & Shashko, P.I. (1934). Novi formy roboty Medychnogo instytutu: Jedynyj dyspanser jak baza vykladovoi, naukovoi j praktychnoi roboty klinik i kafedr [New forms of work of the Medical Institute: The single dispensary as a basis for teaching, scientific and practical work of clinics and departments]. Trudy Odeskogo derzhavnogo medychnogo instytutu – Proceedings of the Odesa State Medical Institute, 1, 123-133 [in Ukrainian].

Dailis, I.L. (1954). O prepodavanija kursa «organizacii zdravoohranenija» v medicinskih institutah [About teaching the course “health care organization” in medical institutes]. Sovetskoe zdravoohranenie – Soviet healthcare, 6, 26-28 [in Russian].

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Dailis, I.L. (1948). Tridcat let sovetskogo zdravoohranenija v Odesse i Odesskoj oblasti [Thirty years of Soviet healthcare in Odessa and Odessa region]. Uchenye Odessy v socialisticheskom pereustrojstve narodnogo hozjajstva Odesskoj oblasti – Scientists of Odessa in the socialist reorganization of the national economy of the Odessa region, 137-153 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L. (1928). Holera v Mihajlovskom 1-m sanitarnom rajone Odessy v 1922 godu [Cholera in the Mikhailovsky 1st sanitary district of Odessa in 1922]. Holera v Odesse v 1918–22 godah – Cholera in Odessa in 1918–22, 1, 126-143 [in Russian].

Dailis, I.L. & Shashko, P.I. (1933). Shljahy perehodu Odeskogo medychnogo instytutu na systemu jedynogo dyspanseru [Ways of transition of the Odesa Medical Institute to a single dispensary system]. Profilaktychna medycyna – Preventive medicine, 1-2, 85-91 [in Ukrainian].

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How to Cite

Vasyliev, K. K., & Vasyliev, Y. K. (2024). ODESA SOCIAL HYGIENIST ISAAC LVOVICH DAILIS (1889–1981). Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 101–107. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2024.1.14632



History of medecine