Rivne region, rectal cancer, incidence, prevalence, mortalityAbstract
Purpose: to study and analyze the epidemiology of rectal cancer in Rivne region.
Materials and Methods. Materials: data from the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine and the Rivne Regional Cancer Registry for the years 2017–2022. Methods: biblio-semantic, medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis.
Results. Analysis of scientific information sources indicates a continuous increase in the incidence of malignant neoplasms. The problem of malignant neoplasms has gone beyond the scope of the health care system and has become a problem of a national scale, taking into account the factors of their development and consequences. Mortality due to malignant neoplasms ranks second in the world after diseases of the cardiovascular system.
The epidemiology of rectal cancer in the Rivne region is characterized by such indicators as: a tendency to increase the incidence rate of the adult population over the years of the study with a higher proportion of men (60.5 %) than women (39.5 %) with the highest incidence rates at the age of 55–74 years; the tendency to reduce the mortality rate of the adult population of the region as a result of rectal cancer when the national indicator is exceeded by 1.4 times. Over the years of the study, there has been a steady upward trend in the prevalence of rectal cancer among the adult population: from 116.7 to 159.0 per 100 thousand adults. These indicators have significant differences in the context of the administrative territories of the region.
Conclusion. The general epidemiological situation in the Rivne region regarding rectal cancer can be described as unfavorable.
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