
  • L. V. Kryachkova Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • M. Yu. Korobko Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine



childrenʼs health, dental health, determinants of childrenʼs health, organization of dental care, sociological survey


Purpose: based on the survey of key respondents, to determine trends regarding the state and changes in the dental health of the childrenʼs population and the factors affecting it, and to find out proposals for its improvement.

Materials and Methods. A survey of 62 key respondents, experts with a sufficient level of knowledge regarding the studied issue, was conducted using a self-developed questionnaire. When assessing the factors influencing childrenʼs dental health, a list of factors employed by WHO experts was utilized.

Statistical data processing was carried the analysis included the application of standard methods of descriptive and analytical statistics, as well as rank correlation and factor analyses.

Results. The surveyed respondents identified an unsatisfactory current state and a tendency towards deterioration in the dental health of children. In this context, visits for therapeutic dental care increased, while preventive visits mostly decreased.

Five key determinant groups influencing the dental health of the pediatric population in modern conditions were identified, constituting 75.1 % of its formation. These include the childʼs medical-biological characteristics, family characteristics and lifestyle, dental health care, socio-economic determinants, and ecological factors. The complex impact of various factors on childrenʼs dental public health requires an integrated approach to their modification. The most prioritized direction of interaction was identified as the integration of efforts between families, family doctors, and dentists, with insufficiently implemented connections between families and dental institutions with educational facilities, primary healthcare, and public health institutions.

Conclusions. The obtained results indicate insufficient attention to the state of dental health of the pediatric population from both the population itself and the dental care system and public health sector. When developing measures to strengthen the dental health of the pediatric population, it is necessary to consider the need for improving the interaction between families, family doctors, dentists, healthcare institutions, educational institutions, and public health facilities.

Author Biographies

L. V. Kryachkova, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Social Medicine, Public Health, Health Care Organization and Management, Dnipro State Medical University

M. Yu. Korobko, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Lecturer at the Department of Social Medicine, Public Health, Health Care Organization and Management, Dnipro State Medical University


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How to Cite

Kryachkova, L. V., & Korobko, M. Y. (2024). ANALYSIS OF TRENDS IN CHILDRENʼS DENTAL HEALTH: INFLUENCING FACTORS AND MEASURES FOR IMPROVEMENT (BASED ON THE RESULTS OF A SURVEY OF KEY RESPONDENTS). Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 5–13.



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts