
  • O. V. Shynkar Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman, Ukraine



medical education, distance learning, security of education, motivation


Purpose: to identify the problems that students and teachers face when implementing distance learning at a medical university.

Materials and Methods. 110 students of the Donetsk National Medical University of the 3rd and 6th courses were surveyed. The questionnaire included questions about the technical aspect of student interaction with the educational environment and their subjective emotional assessment of the learning process in a distance format.

Results. During the quarantine and then the full-scale war, higher education in Ukraine has faced with the impossibility of working in the traditional model, consisting of a student and a teacher who meet and interact in classroom. Identification of distance learning problem was the purpose of research.

At the Donetsk National Medical University, distance learning was carried out with the electronic and informational educational environment (google class). In addition, students used e-mail, messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.), social networks to interact with the teacher. Students encountered the following difficulties during distance learning: the difficulty of performing practical tasks without the teacher's explanation (60 %), a large volume of tasks set (34.5 %), insufficient knowledge of computer technologies (23.6 %), insufficient quantity of didactic material (21.8 %). Despite this, almost 100 % of students appreciate the opportunity to obtain higher medical education in a safe way. 80 % respondents like the individual pace of learning under conditions of low-quality communication, blackouts, air alarms. They rated highly the possibility of self-study and additional information on subjects.

Conclusions. Students usually positively estimate the experience of distance learning. They like safety, possibility to have all materials in electronic form and to study in individual tempo among the advantages. Students have high motivation to study. They get hope to the future. Students had such problems: difficult to perform practical tasks without explanation from teacher, technical problem with the internet. So, DNMU teachers managed to create a safe and effective education environment.

Author Biography

O. V. Shynkar, Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Docent of department of organization of higher education, management of health care and hygiene, Donetsk National Medical University


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How to Cite

Shynkar, O. V. (2024). ORGANIZATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING AT THE DONETSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. PROBLEM AND ADVANTAGES ACCODING TO STUDENTS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4), 67–70.



Medical personnel training