diseases of digestive organs in children, health care, disease burden, health care policy, healthy eatingAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the prevalence and incidence of diseases of the digestive organs among children for the purpose of forming a health care policy for children.
Materials and Methods. Statistical data of the Center of Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Main Department of Statistics in the Ternopil region were used for the analysis. When conducting the research, general scientific and special research methods were used, including analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, system-structural analysis and analytical method.
Results. The incidence and prevalence of diseases of the digestive organs among children were analyzed. Trends in the dynamics of these indicators are shown, taking into account the DALY and YLD indices. In particular, chronic liver diseases accounted for 0.68 % (CI 0.53–0.84) of DALYs of all countries of the world, diseases of the upper digestive system 0.23 % (CI 0.18–0.29), diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts 0.1 % (CI 0.076–0.14) and other diseases of digestive organs 0.01 % (CI 0.077–0.12). Identified risk factors for the occurrence of these diseases. Special emphasis is placed on the justification of the need for the formation of a health care policy for children.
Conclusions. It has been demonstrated that the prevalence and incidence of diseases of the digestive organs among children has a tendency to increase all over the world, and Ukraine occupies a leading position in this negative situation. The analysis of influencing factors on diseases of the digestive tract among children showed the urgent need for the formation of a health policy for children in Ukraine.
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