leptospirosis, epidemic situation, incidence, mortality, seasonalityAbstract
Purpose: to analyze and reveal the main features of the epidemiological processes in the leptospirosis cases in the Ternopil region.
Materials and Methods. During the investigation, the data from the Ternopil Regional Center for the Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the period of 2018–2022 which contains the incidence and mortality from leptospirosis statistics was analyzed. Epidemiological and statistical research methods were applied.
Results. Cases of leptospirosis are registered annually in the Ternopil region. The epidemic situation of leptospirosis in different climatic regions of the Ternopil region has its own characteristics and features. It has been investigated and revealed that the epidemic situation of leptospirosis in the Central region of the Ternopil region is the most unfavorable. In fact, there is no cyclical incidence of leptospirosis in the Ternopil region. Villagers predominated in the structure of patients. The incidence of leptospirosis among professional and household groups and the age structure of the patients were assessed. A fairly high level of leptospirosis registration is observed in June-July – 10.5–18.7 %. According to the average long-term indicators, anthropologic foci prevailed (55.1 % of the total number) over natural ones (32.7 %). Accordingly, the incidence is highest in anthropologic foci (from 3 cases in 2021 to 10 in 2019).
Conclusions. The Ternopil region is endemic in terms of the leptospirosis incidence. The epidemic situation is characterized as unstable since the incidence of the population is permanently high and exceeds the average indicators in the country.
In the region,a direct connection was established between the level of people leptospirosis incidence and the degree of infection of mouse – like rodents.
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