
  • V. V. Ruden Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine



Ukraine, deceased, reasons, non-communicable diseases, structure, features, gender, age, irreversible losses, human resource, minimization, potential


Purpose: to find out specific gender and age characteristics of mortality due to non-communicable diseases among the population of Ukraine during 2005–2021 as a basis for developing differentiated mechanisms for minimizing irreversible losses of human resources.

Materials and Methods. An epidemiological, one-time, continuous study was performed using biostatistical data from the database of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine for 2005–2021, using the Microsoft Office Excel (2021) computer package for epidemiological analysis and a number of scientific medical and biostatistical methods taking into account the principles of systematicity.

Results. It is argued that in the total number of deaths caused by NCD in Ukraine (Мncd=80.3±0.9 %), in the period 2005–2021, the specific weight indicator of deceased male was on average Мm=47.3±0.6 % (Мm=252 936±503), at with Мm=1230.1±35.1/ 100 000), while the medial specific weight of deceased women for this cause of death was Мw=52.7±0.7 % (М=281 189±530, where Мw=1175.6±34.3/ о/оооо).

The highest percentage of deaths due to NCD at the age of 60 years and older, with an average annual specific weight of М=85.5±0.9 % (М=456 268±675; М=4748.4±68.9/100 000), while the average specific weight of deceased aged 18–59 due to the analyzed cause was М=14.4±0.4 % (М=77 336±278; М=286.9±17/100 thous.), at that time when the indicator of the specific weight deaths from NCD aged 0–17 years indicated an average percentage of М=0.1±0.03 % (М=520±23), аt with М=6.4±2.5/100 000).

Conclusions. The obtained biostatistical data testify to the need to develop relevant programs at the level of the state and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine regarding differentiated mechanisms for minimizing irreversible losses for their implementation at the state, regional and local levels, which would allow public health to improve the quality of life of the population, preserve and restore the existing human resource vital, spiritual, economic, social, labor, moral-political, military and defense potential of an independent country, etc.

Author Biography

V. V. Ruden, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Health, Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University


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How to Cite

Ruden, V. V. (2023). GENDER AND AGE STRUCTURE OF MORTALITY OF THE POPULATION OF UKRAINE DUE TO NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES DURING 2005–2021 . Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 30–36.



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts