mandatory medical examinations, digitalization, databaseAbstract
Purpose: to justify the need for the introduction of a unified state base of preventive medical examinations for better control of the spread of socially significant infectious diseases on the example of the analysis of medical examinations at Ternopil State Medical University of the second- and third-year medical students in 2012–2013.
Materials and Methods. The data of the mandatory medical examination of the students of the second year in 2012 and the third year in 2013 of the “General Medicineˮ specialty of the Ternopil State Medical University, who underwent an annual medical examination. The percentage of students by gender and the presence/absence of leadership qualities, by passing a medical examination at the base of a medical university, by academic groups and as a whole was calculated.
Results. The percentage of students who expressed a desire to undergo a medical examination at the university decreased. Only half of the students (50 %) of the third year underwent a mandatory annual medical examination on the basis of the university, while in the second year – 57.8 %. The percentage of women who chose a university as a base for passing mandatory examinations was always higher than that of men. A sharp decrease in the number of leader students in the third-year sample compared to the second-year sample (by 38.1 %), compared to a slightly smaller decrease in the number of non-leader students (by 10.8 %), can explain the overall low level of use of the opportunity to undertake medical examination by students on the basis of the university, as student leaders could set a negative example by their actions.
Conclusions. The low percentage of mandatory preventive medical examinations undertaken by medical students locally on the basis of the university, in 2012–2013, as an example, makes it difficult for institutions to have a sufficient level of control over the reliability of data entered in the 1-OMK form. In order to improve control over mandatory preventive medical examinations and to preserve the health of the nation, we have proposed a model of a nationwide unified database of medical examinations of Ukraine.
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