solid household waste, landfills, garbage disposal methodsAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the current trends in the management of solid household waste (SHW) in Ukraine and other countries.
Materials and Methods. Analyzed data on the amount of solid waste generated and disposed of in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union from 2010 to 2020. A survey was conducted of 236 people aged 18 to 35 regarding the problems of solid waste generation and disposal, as well as the possibility and desire to sort them. Bibliosemantic, information search, analytical-comparative, sociological, statistical research methods are used.
Results. The formation of solid waste depends on the level of industrial development of the country, the density of the population and its standard of living. The countries located in the more industrially developed and richer west of Europe generate much more household waste than the countries of the east, including Ukraine. Of the total amount of waste collected in the EU, 97 % can be processed, and in Ukraine - it is buried in landfills, 80 % of which do not meet the basic requirements for their arrangement and operation. This leads to constant pollution of the environment and harms people's health. One of the modern methods of waste disposal is to increase the amount of recycling and reuse of waste. For this, it is necessary to introduce a system of sorting garbage. But in order for this system to start working successfully in Ukraine, systematic preliminary preparation is needed both on the part of local authorities and residents. As a result of the survey, it was established that 99% of the respondents understand that the current solid waste management system is outdated and needs to be replaced with more modern methods.
Conclusions. When comparing the Ukrainian and international experience of solid household waste management, it becomes obvious that the European policy in this direction chooses the priority goal of preventing and reducing waste production and eliminating its harmful impact on the environment and human health. This can be achieved by increasing the volume of recycling and reuse of waste, having previously sorted it.
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