
  • V. O. Zub Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. S. Kotuza Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, State Management of Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine




oncological diseases, radiodiagnostic equipment, transformation of the system of providing medical care


Purpose: assessing the level of provision and usage of radiodiagnostic equipment for providing medical care to cancer patients in Ukraine.

Materials and Methods. The information regarding the work of radiodiagnostic equipment in 51 oncology hospitals in 24 administrative territorial units of Ukraine (23 regions and the city of Kyiv) was analyzed as of December 31, 2021. Descriptive statistics methods were applied with the calculation of percentage indicators (in %) and average values (arithmetic mean with its error M±m). The evaluation of the data was carried out using the methods of the system approach and structural-logical analysis.

 Results. Only two territorial units of Ukraine have all the devices for diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients (at least one device for each): Lviv region and the city of Kyiv. Among all the devices of the radiodiagnostic service, the level of provision of equipment for remote gamma therapy is the best: there is at least 1 working device in each territorial unit. The regions are also relatively well equipped with devices for intracavitary gamma therapy (there were none working only in 1 region). Computed tomography cannot provide services to cancer patients in 4 regions of Ukraine; x-ray therapy – in 8 regions. 12 regions of Ukraine are not equipped with linear accelerators; nuclear medicine equipment (PET, SPECT, gamma camera) is absent in 15 regions; magnetic resonance imaging – in 18 regions of Ukraine.

Most of the equipment that does not work is outdated with a significant service life and needs not to be repaired, but to be replaced with a more modern and more efficient one. The oldest is the X-ray therapy equipment – the average working life is 37.38±1.80 years; the youngest is nuclear medicine equipment (4.20±1.92 years).

Conclusions. The problems of the radiodiagnostic service in providing medical care in oncology hospitals were identified (lack of working equipment and shabbiness of equipment that has a very long service life, which leads to its frequent breakdowns and downtime, is common in many regions). The solution to this problem will be the creation of diagnostic and treatment centers for providing care to cancer patients in large regional centers, which will increase the efficiency of treatment of patients and improve access to medical care.

Author Biographies

V. O. Zub, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), doctoral student of the Department of Health Care Management and Public Administration of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

A. S. Kotuza, Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, State Management of Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), professor, deputy chief physician for organizational work of the Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, State Management of Affairs of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Zub, V. O., & Kotuza, A. S. (2023). LEVEL OF PROVISION OF RADIODIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT IN INSTITUTIONS THAT PROVIDE MEDICAL CARE TO PATIENTS WITH ONCOLOGICAL DISEASES IN UKRAINE . Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4), 56–61. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2022.4.13683



Organization of medical care