(Based on the materials of a sociological survey of anesthesiologists)


  • G. I. Kovtun Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



sociological survey, anesthesiologist, donation, organ transplantation


Purpose: to conduct a sociological study among anesthesiologists as potential participants in the organ transplantation process and determine their attitude towards organ donation and transplantation.

Materials and Methods. To achieve the goals set in the work, a medical and sociological study was carried out on the basis of communal HCIs in Ukraine. The survey covered a representative sample of 453 doctors – anesthesiologists of communal HCIs in Ukraine. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation of scientific data were used, as well as a systematic approach.

Results. As a result of the sociological study, the attitude of anesthesiologists and their preparedness for organ donation and transplantation was determined. The obtained data confirmed the expediency of conducting special training of anesthesiologists in resuscitation to work on ascertaining brain death and organ donation.

Conclusion. The data obtained confirmed the need for additional explanatory activities among anesthesiologists on the basics of organ donation and transplantation as specialists participating in these events.

Author Biography

G. I. Kovtun, Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Phd (Medicine), Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Myocardial Pathology and Organ Transplantation and Human Tissue No.6 of the State Institution “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”


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How to Cite

Kovtun, G. I. (2023). PROBLEMS OF ORGAN DONATION AND TRANSPLANTATION: (Based on the materials of a sociological survey of anesthesiologists). Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (4), 13–17.



Health and society